Hone your general intelligence and reasoning skills with this online test practice paper and score with 100% accuracy in the upcoming SSC CGL Tier I exam. It covers all the latest questions that are mostly asked in SSC and are solved with full explanation for your better understanding. Importantly, the test is prepared exactly like the SSC entrance exam and you will get the feel of the examination hall, which is great to beat the exam fear. Every question has negative marking for wrong answer that will help you to track the effectiveness of your preparation and hence work on the weak points. The online test includes 50 questions from General Intelligence & Reasoning that are updated as per SSC norms.
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Promo Code SAVE25
Use promocode SAVE25 to get upto 25% discount on offer price Minimum Order value - Rs 50/-. Offer is valid for all Jagran Josh products.
Hone your general intelligence and reasoning skills with this online test practice paper and score with 100% accuracy in the upcoming SSC CGL Tier I exam. It covers all the latest questions that are mostly asked in SSC and are solved with full explanation for your better understanding. Importantly, ... Read More
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