It is a must for you to solve this mock test before appearing for the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam. This test includes 200 questions from English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness. It will definitely challenge you to solve every question within the given time period, which will eventually prepare you for the final exam. Further, every question incorporated here is based on the latest syllabus prescribed by SSC Board. For one last time preparation, it’s kind of mandatory for you to take this test to get the success under your belt.
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It is a must for you to solve this mock test before appearing for the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam. This test includes 200 questions from English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness. It
Promo Code SAVE25
Use promocode SAVE25 to get upto 25% discount on offer price Minimum Order value - Rs 50/-. Offer is valid for all Jagran Josh products.
It is a must for you to solve this mock test before appearing for the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam. This test includes 200 questions from English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness. It will definitely challenge you to solve every question within the given time period, which will eventual ... Read More
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