The objective Indian Polity and Constitution is a unique collection of explained questions highly useful for those competition aspirants who are appearing or likely to appear in near future in coveted exams like UPSC, Railways, Banking , SSC and so many various other competitions.The questions have been divided into topics /chapters and thus every part relevant from the perspective of competition has been covered and well treated in this objective compendium. The questions have been designed in simple, medium and tough level so as to make it easy even for those for whom the subject of Indian Polity and Constitution is a new foray. Each topic which plays very significant role in the preparation such as historical background ,the making of the constitution, philosophy and nature of the Indian constitution, outstanding features of the constitution, nature of the federal system ,administration of union territories in India, citizenship, fundamental rights and fundamental duties, directive principles of state policy, procedure for amendment to the constitution, the union executive and the union legislature has been allocated proportionate weightage in terms of the number of questions.If studied in systematic and planned manner this exercise, it is our strong belief, may turn out to be milestone in the march of success for the aspiring competitors. In the field of General Studies and Indian Polity and Constitution it can be said with great measure of confidence that this well-described matter caters to the needs from the top level to the smallest level competitive test.
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The objective Indian Polity and Constitution is a unique collection of explained questions highly useful for those competition aspirants who are appearing or likely to appear in near future in cove
Promo Code SAVE25
Use promocode SAVE25 to get upto 25% discount on offer price Minimum Order value - Rs 50/-. Offer is valid for all Jagran Josh products.
The objective Indian Polity and Constitution is a unique collection of explained questions highly useful for those competition aspirants who are appearing or likely to appear in near future in coveted exams like UPSC, Railways, Banking , SSC and so many various other competitions.The questions ... Read More
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