Solved Practice paper of Railway Group D exam
20 chapters along-with 200 practice questions
Best way to improve your quantitative aptitude skills
It will help in answering the given questions within stipulated time period
Ideal way to understand the exam pattern and marking trends
Jagran Josh’s Railway Group D Mathematics Shortcut & Formula e-Book is a perfect destination for every candidate, who is willing to score well in the examination Railway Group D exam.
The book consists of total 20 chapters along with total 200 Practice questions for the better understanding of important Mathematics topics and Railway Group D Practice set. The book emphasize mainly on the mathematical formulae and short-cut methods to quickly solve the Mathematics questions helping students to save time in the exam. In addition, it has a total of 20 chapters,200 practice questions and Practice paper, which will definitely improve your skills. This will not only help you to solve maths problems within seconds but also allow you to know the type of questions that are generally asked in competitive exams.
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Jagran Josh’s Railway Group D Mathematics Shortcut & Formula e-Book is a perfect destination for every candidate, who is willing to score well in the examination Railway
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Use promocode SAVE25 to get upto 25% discount on offer price Minimum Order value - Rs 50/-. Offer is valid for all Jagran Josh products.
Solved Practice paper of Railway Group D exam
20 chapters along-with 200 practice questions
Best way to improve your quantitative aptitude skills
It will help in answering the given questions within stipulated time period
Ideal way to understand the exam pattern and marking trends
Jagran Josh’s Railway Group D Mathematics Shortcut & Formula e-Book is a perfect destination for every candidate, who is willing to score well in the examination Railway Group D exam. The book consists of total 20 chapters along with total 200 Practice questions for the better understandi ... Read More
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