UGC NET Exam is conducted by the National Educational Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission. This test establishes the eligibility of the candidate for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) award... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Knowledge:-
Nature of Indian Economy & Planning, Poverty and Unemployment, Currency Inflation, Banking System and Capital Market, Fiscal System, Industries, Infrastructure &... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Knowledge:-
Nature of Indian Economy & Planning, Poverty and Unemployment, Currency Inflation, Banking System and Capital Market, Fiscal System, Industries, Infrastructure &... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Knowledge:-
Nature of Indian Economy & Planning, Poverty and Unemployment, Currency Inflation, Banking System and Capital Market, Fiscal System, Industries, Infrastructure &... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Knowledge:-
Nature of Indian Economy & Planning, Poverty and Unemployment, Currency Inflation, Banking System and Capital Market, Fiscal System, Industries, Infrastructure &... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Knowledge:-
Nature of Indian Economy & Planning, Poverty and Unemployment, Currency Inflation, Banking System and Capital Market, Fiscal System, Industries, Infrastructure &... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Knowledge:-
Nature of Indian Economy & Planning, Poverty and Unemployment, Currency Inflation, Banking System and Capital Market, Fiscal System, Industries, Infrastructure &... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
What is Living, Biological Classification, Diversity in living world – 1, Diversity In Living World – 2, Cell Structure and Function, The... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Awareness: History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defense, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc
Verbal Ability in English: Comprehension, Error Detection,... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Studies:
Current events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian National Movement, Indian and World Geography Physical, Social,... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
General Studies:
Current events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian National Movement, Indian and World Geography Physical, Social,... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
I. Child Development and Pedagogy a) Child Development (Primary School Child)
Concept of development and its relationship with learning, Principles of the development... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
I. Child Development and Pedagogy a) Child Development (Primary School Child)
Concept of development and its relationship with learning, Principles of the development... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
General Studies:
Current events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian National Movement,Indian and World Geography Physical, Social, Economic... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
General Studies:
Current events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian National Movement,Indian and World Geography Physical, Social, Economic... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
Constitution of India
Civil Procedure Code
Law of Contract and Partnership
Law of Torts and Easements
Law of Motor Accident Claims
Law of Arbitration and Conciliation
Rent Control... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
50 Topic Wise Tests + 5 Mock Papers
Additional Features!
1. Runs without Internet!
2. Immediate scores and solutions!
3. Compatible with Windows XP/7/8
4. Online... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
Articles and dissertation
Character and Word considered
Corresponding and Tdbv
Dinkar, Jayshankar Prasad, Agyey
General Knowledge
Hindi Language & Script
Hindi Teaching methods
History of Hindi literature
Idioms and proverb
Kabir... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
1 Indus Valley Civilization – its salient features.
2 Vedic Age - Social and religious life.
3 Buddhism and Jainism – Teachings, Causes... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
I. Child Development and Pedagogy: a) Child Development for Elementary School
Concept of development and its relationship with learning, Principles of the development... View more
Brand: Jagranjosh
Language: English
Publisher: Jagranjosh
Category: Teachers Exams
Product Type: CDs
Rs. 199
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