To crack IBPS exam, there are such topics among whole syllabus, by preparing which you have to do less preparation and get more marks. The topics, by which you can score in IBPS exam, are:
Topics for General Awareness
What does kachhua provide in this “Online Course for IBPS Clerk Exam 2015 as IBPS Recruitment? Video+IBPS Study Material 2015+IBPS Online Test “course?
IBPS Video lecture: Here we provide videos in which all important topics are included. By these videos you can learn everything at your home. There is no requirement to go to any coaching class.
IBPS Study Material: Here we provide Online Bank/IBPS exam material, which you can read in your PC or mobile.
IBPS Online Test and solution: Here we provide daily online test. The solutions of these tests are also provided, by which you can test yourself that how much you learned and can improve your performance by more practice and preparation
The Banking Industry is recruiting in a big way. In the next few years, banks will have to recruit lakhs of candidates. The time taken by a bank to complete the recruitment process has come-down with the introduction of the first of its kind ""Common Written Examination (CWE)"" in 2011. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts a series of CWEs for selection of personnel for the posts of Clerks / Probationary Officer / Management Trainee in 20 Public Sector Banks and 82 Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
Studying for the IBPS PO exam can be a difficult task, if you do not have a good method of preparation. So here we come up with an idea of easy learning. We provide 400 plus video lectures. Each topic will be followed by a test. Daily test will help you to do self-assessment. You can watch the videos unlimited times for preparation. All the topics of English, Mathematics and Reasoning will be covered in this course. This course is designed by expert faculties.
Maths(Decimal Fraction)
Maths(Alliggation or Mixture)
Maths(Surds And Indices)
Maths(Surds And Indices)
English(The Vocabulary)
Logic(Direction sense test)
Logic(Logical sequence of Word)
Logic(Sequence Test)
Logic(Mathematical Operation)
Logic(Ven Diagram)
Square Roots And Cube Roots
Blood Relations
Problems On Ages
Anytime learning
Easy learning by Video lectures
Affordable for Every students
Daily test will help in self-assessment
Our courses are designed by acclaimed and highly proficient teachers.
We have high quality content customized in multiple formats like Video lectures and Test Engine for practice tests.
Our mission is to Provide Quality and Low cost Educational services to the people who are directly or indirectly connected to the Education.
Unlimited time’s revision can be done by videos and tests.
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To crack IBPS exam, there are such topics among whole syllabus, by preparing which you have to do less preparation and get more marks. The topics, by which you can score in IBPS exam, are:
Promo Code SAVE25
Use promocode SAVE25 to get upto 25% discount on offer price Minimum Order value - Rs 50/-. Offer is valid for all Jagran Josh products.
To crack IBPS exam, there are such topics among whole syllabus, by preparing which you have to do less preparation and get more marks. The topics, by which you can score in IBPS exam, are: Topics for General Awareness Read Previous 6 month Current Affairs (Download GK Digest) Banking and Financ ... Read More
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