Section 1: Introduction
1 Introduction
Section 2: MPP Workspace
2 MPP workspace 1 & 2
Section 3: Creating A Project
3 Creating a project
4 Creating a project Continues
Section 4: Project Information
5 Project information
6 Project Tasks
7 Assigning and Allocating Resources
8 Assigning and Allocating Resources (Continues)
9 Split screen switching views
10 Calendar view and cost views
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Rs. 49
Section 1: Introduction
1 Introduction
Section 2: MPP Workspace
2 MPP workspace 1 & 2
Section 3: Creating A P
Promo Code SAVE25
Use promocode SAVE25 to get upto 25% discount on offer price Minimum Order value - Rs 50/-. Offer is valid for all Jagran Josh products.
Section 1: Introduction 1 Introduction Section 2: MPP Workspace 2 MPP workspace 1 & 2 Section 3: Creating A Project 3 Creating a project 4 Creating a project Continues Section 4: Project Information 5 Project information 6 Project Tasks 7 Assigning and Allocating Resources 8 Assign ... Read More
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