Quantitative Ability Syllabus : Number Systems, LCM and HCF, Percentages, Profit & Loss and Discount, Interest (Simple and Compound), Speed, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Averages, Ratio and Proportion,... View more
CAT Practice Set 1: Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation - Online Test
It is a Common Admission Test (CAT) focused practice set for Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation section. Every year... View more
Total No. of questions 75 .
Time Allotted 120 minute.
Marking Pattern 1 Mark for each question and 1/4th negative for every wrong answer.
How does Online Test work ?
Bank Clerk Exam (Online test) works in following seven... View more
Total No. of questions 75 .
Time Allotted 120 minute.
Marking Pattern 1 Mark for each question and 1/4th negative for every wrong answer.
How does Online Test work ?
Bank Clerk Exam (Online test) works in following seven... View more
CAT Test Centre (2014 pattern)2200+ Questions, 18 FLTs• CAT - 18 Tests- 12 iCATs- 6 Customized FLTs (2 each for your strong, medium and weak areas)• 14 Sectional Tests for... View more
Complete MBA Test Centre (2014 pattern)10800+ Questions, 76 FLTsComplete MBA Test Centre76 Full Length Mock Tests• CAT - 18 Tests- 12 iCATs- 6 Customized FLTs (2 each for your strong, medium and... View more
This package consists of specially designed tests for students preparing for CAT (Common Admission Test). It consists of total 338 tests of Quant, Verbal, Data Analysis, Logical Reasoning, Maths Ques.... View more
Group Instruction 1) Total no. of Questions: 90 2) Time Allotted: 150 minutes 3) Marking Pattern: The test is of 360 marks. Each question carries... View more
CAT Exam Analyser : Details on Exam, Syllabus Exam Analysis, Tips and moreCAT Question Bank with Self Assessor : More than 50000 questions subjectwise, topicwise, chapterwise with facilty to create... View more
General Knowledge eBook (October 2017) has been structured in such a way that it fulfills the needs of the aspirants preparing for UPSC, State Services, SSC, Banking, Railway, NDA etc.... View more
While applying for various jobs in the race of million applicants, take the onus of making the life of a hiring manager easy by enabling them pick a strikingly different... View more
General Knowledge eBook (August 2017) has been structured in such a way that it fulfills the needs of the aspirants preparing for UPSC, State Services, SSC, Banking, Railway, NDA etc.... View more
General Knowledge eBook (July 2017) has been structured in such a way that it fulfills the needs of the aspirants preparing for UPSC, State Services, SSC, Banking, Railway, NDA etc.... View more
It is designed by a group of expert faculty members who have the experience of teaching in coaching institutes. Every question is updated after seeing its importance and probability of... View more
General Knowledge eBook (March , April and May 2017) has been structured in such a way that it fulfills the needs of the aspirants preparing for UPSC, State Services, SSC,... View more
General Knowledge eBook (May 2017) has been structured in such a way that it fulfills the needs of the aspirants preparing for UPSC, State Services, SSC, Banking, Railway, NDA etc.... View more
A single course for all MBA entrance exams (CAT,XAT,IIFT,SNAP.NMAT,CMAT, IBSAT,CET-Mah,MAT.ICET) with over 450+ test papers. A serious practice of these questions will give the student a thorough exposure to all... View more
A single course for all MBA entrance exams (CAT,XAT,IIFT,SNAP.NMAT,CMAT, IBSAT,CET-Mah,MAT.ICET) with over 450+ test papers. A serious practice of these questions will give the student a thorough exposure to all... View more
A single course for all MBA entrance exams (CAT,XAT,IIFT,SNAP.NMAT,CMAT, IBSAT,CET-Mah,MAT.ICET) with over 450+ test papers. A serious practice of these questions will give the student a thorough exposure to all... View more
* 190+ Video lectures by expert faculty members
* HD Quality videos
* INTERNET connection NOT required
* Course is delivered in a secured Pen Drive
* Subjects covered Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English... View more
Objective General English eBook
There’s only one way, you can improve your English language skills for any competitive exam, and the way is by regular practice. Start practicing English language in... View more
The Pen Drive contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
CAT Verbal/English Ability: Reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, syllogisms, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, idioms, etc.
AT Quant... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
CAT Verbal/English Ability : Reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, syllogisms, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, idioms, etc.
AT Quant... View more
This CD contains TESTS covering the following topics: -
CAT Verbal/English Ability : Reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, syllogisms, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, idioms, etc.
AT Quant... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
CAT Verbal/English Ability : Reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, syllogisms, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, idioms, etc.
AT Quant... View more
This CD contains test covering the following topics: -
CAT Verbal/English Ability : Reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, syllogisms, analogies, antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks, sentence correction, idioms, etc.
AT Quant... View more
Brand: Jagranjosh
Language: English
Publisher: Jagranjosh
Category: CAT Exams
Product Type: CDs
Rs. 699
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